The current incarnation of the NHFA Board has been wearily strategizing how to combat over a decade-worth of an institutional vision that has not interrogated the “isms” inherent in our organization: notably racism, classism, and ableism.
In our review of our teaching material for updates, the language used was very common for the time, but includes words used in ways that perpetuates racist, ableist, classist, and transphobic ideas of death care and excludes many people. We are dedicated to ensuring that everything our organization produces aligns with our belief that community-led deathcare is truly for everyone, without exception and without alienating anyone.
The lack of representation is not a call to action to turn out for recruitment, but a call to turn in and pause.
In order to give this work the attention it requires and deserves, and to practice the self-care we strive to uphold to support this work, we are temporarily ceasing a few of the regular duties we have previously committed to. We are postponing the conference and stepping back from our monthly newsletters and webinars. This choice did not come lightly; the decision to break from a culture that tells us to always be producing is a radical one, even outside the various specific circumstances that led up to it.
The NHFA Board has decided that our real work for the foreseeable future is to start to reimagine ourselves as an organization. We are not disbanding; we are setting a clear intention to undo what needs to be undone, and lay a foundation to continue to grow and do better. We want to bring the NHFA - from the way it operates to the way it communicates, from the way it educates to the way it advocates, and everything in between - completely in line with our goal to be an equitable and inclusive organization that invites everyone interested in learning more about hands-on after-death care to see themselves and participate in what we do.
We are going to share our journey with NHFA membership via our monthly new member and community meetups and (non-monthly) newsletter updates as we go - in hopes of leading by example because we are not the only death-group or non-profit that desperately needs to do this; these flaws are not unique to our organization. The time is way past due to re-examine how we do our work, how we relate to the community, and how we can best serve it. We will be taking this pause to strengthen and rebuild, to both define and demolish the ways that we perpetuate stereotypes and harm in death work, and to create a home funeral movement that is more inclusive, more equitable, and something we can be proud to be a part of.
We hope that we can be an example for other groups with our process and that we will come back with clarity, integrity and purpose.
We hope that you will join us on this journey.
Please feel free to contact us if you have questions - via social media, our website, or our individual emails.
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